A downloadable Walker for Windows, macOS, and Linux

You are a silly blue thingy thing because why not.

And there is a dark slimy thingy thing chasing you.

You should 'walk' from it.


- Speed Boosts (yellow circles) will give you +20 speed.

- Every 25 seconds there will be a ESD boost (Enemy speed decrease, purple thing) which will decrease the speed of the enemy by -80.

- Every 10 seconds the enemy speed will increase by +60 and you will get +1 score.

- If you get 500 speed; speeds will reset, you will get +10 score, the enemy speed increaser timer will get -1 seconds every time that happens.

- Move with WASD or Arrows.

- You shouldn't get caught so "walk" fast!

Music used:

- wyver9: background music in levels, https://opengameart.org/content/arcade-boss-tracks-8-bitchiptune

- Kevin MacLeod: menu music

- I don't know the others I hope I don't get copyrighted man.


ETG (E The Gamers)

I know there is  not a company or brand like that. I created the game but this is the name.

Made with Godot.

Good Luck in Walker!


Walker.exe 50 MB


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